Thursday, October 17, 2002
How often is it that I have finsihed 2 assignments due the next day prior to midnight the night before. Not that often I would say, but tonight I have done it. Maybe its due to the fact that I still have one more to go and didn't want to be up all night. Either way, its nice to have at least a little pressure off my back. In other news, I am now the official treasurer of IAESTE Northwestern. We had elections tonight, although they were actually more like a bargaining session as we worked out who would fit well in all the positions. After that I attended a "feast" at Meg's. At least that was the idea, but there were only 4 of us. Despite the low turnout (due to date parties and such) the food was excellent, cooked by Meg, Nick and Natasha (who Meg met when she was in South Africa and goes to Vasser).


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